If you don’t have an existing WordPress site, you can give a try with BoxedCMS demo. You can get setup in minutes and start publishing content.
BoxedCMS can help you transition from WordPress to BoxedCMS with no switching costs. You’ll just need to follow a few simple steps:
You can also make the switch to BoxedCMS from other CMS systems out there. If you’re using something like Hubspot or Medium, the switch to BoxedCMS is just as easy. Send us your export file (.CSV format) and we’ll handle the rest
BoxedCMS was built to make developers lives easier. By extension, using BoxedCMS instead of a traditional CMS like WordPress will save your time, headaches, and money. WordPress has been around for many years, and while it is often the default CMS for businesses and individuals, it may not be the right fit for everyone. BoxedCMS is a modern approach to CMS and will deliver good customization and avoid security headaches.
Just drop us an email with your current site and the platform you’re using. We will be able to guide why BoxedCMS is better for you to choose. info@boxedcms.com